As we Know that the Importance of Dec 25 , ie Christmas. The whole world celebrating this day around the World.
In World History 25th December is remarkable Day Because 23 years back ie on 25th December 1991 one of the world’s superpower nation USSR (Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics) or Soviet Union has dissolved. In this day the red colored Soviet   Flag lowered and the Tri colour Russian flag has hoisted at Kremlin . I heard this news when I am studying at 3rd standard , I wondered how a nation will vanish from the world map. From that day to this time I have used many references to find out the causes of the disintegration. I reached in a conclusion that the breakup happened  not only due to one reason.  Both political and economic causes are behind this. The Socialist world Blaming the last President of Soviet Union Mr : Mikhail Gorbachev  and his Liberal policies Perestroika  and Glasnost
We will go through some facts  ie Why Gorbachev Introduced Such liberal policies. For that we have to know about the USSR and Gorbachev  Era

USSR (Soviet Union)

In 1922 A new country founded with Communist and socialist Ideology Under the leadership of Mr: Vladimir Lenin by  the Unification of 14 Neighboring Countries with Russia. The Country Opted the Socialist ideas .at the time Stalin The country undergone Communist autocratic rule and Iron curtain. Country is become an opponent for the western capitalist countries. In these times Soviet military  was used to suppress the uprising against the socialist governments in Poland and Hungary in 1950.
In 1979 Soviet Union Invaded Afghanistan , By this action the Western Countries becomes against of USSR, The Western Countries under the leadership of USA Given Armament Support to Afhgan  Mujahideen . Whole support flew to the Mujahideen through  Pakistan. The Afghan movement is an absolute foulplay done by USSR. Soviet union Lost around 15000 soldiers in the war. This war and Chernobyl nuclear accident lead a major financial crisis in USSR.

Gorbachev Era

When Gorbachev came to Power  the country facing so many economical political problems. The condition is worst , The Baltic States (Lithuania , Latvia & Estonia) starts legal moves towards declaring sovereignity according to the 72 article of Soviet constitution (Brezhnev Constitution) . therefore Gorbachev forced to do the economic reforms , he thought that the country  will never achieve the growth only through socialist  economy , He Introduced Two new Reforms  Perestroika  ( Restructuring) and Glasnost (Openness) .  glasnost freed public access to information after decades of heavy government censorship.
Before Gorbachev  the  USSR presidents never mingle with the people and they will not expose their face to public, Gorbachev is entirely different  , he believed in social democracy he is against the iron curtain . Gorbachev always mingled with the people. presidents elections of the republics are dramatic. The CPSU (Communist Party of Soviet Union) introduce one candidate for the post of president and people had to vote this single candidate. But these liberal reforms led to the nationalist and separatist movements in the republics,  he decided to withdraw the army from Afghanistan and he refused to give military support for the former soviet satellite countries which favoured revolutions of 1989 after the fall of Berlin Wall the iron curtain came down.In 1989 the Russian republic the big republic of USSR elected Mr: Boris Yeltsin  as the chairman.

On 7 April 1990, a law was passed allowing a republic to secede if more than two-thirds of its residents voted for it in a referendum. Many held their first free elections in the Soviet era for their own national legislatures in 1990

On 12 June 1990, the Congress declared Russia's sovereignty over its territory and proceeded to pass laws that attempted to supersede some of the USSR's laws.  In march 1990 Lithuania declared full independence from the Union. At the end of 90’sthe dispute between the Soviet Government and Russian Government reached at their peak , ultimately the Union facing big problems from it’s biggest republic.

A referendum for the preservation of the USSR was held on 17 March 1991 in nine republics (the remainder having boycotted the vote), with the majority of the population in those nine republics voting for preservation of the Union. The referendum gave Gorbachev a minor boost. In the summer of 1991, the New Union Treaty, which would have turned the Soviet Union into a much looser Union, was agreed upon by eight republic.
But the signing of this treaty interrupted by August Coup (coup d'état ) . The Coup was organized by the hardline leaders of the soviet government and KGB ( Intelligence agency of USSR) leaders. They declared that Gorbachev in an Unhealthy condition and he is on treatment. Bit actually he was house arrested by Coup Leaders. But the coup is is defeated by Yeltsin and the Russian nationalists.  In August 1991, Latvia and Estonia immediately declared the restoration of their full independence  Gorbachev resigned as general secretary in late August, and soon afterward the Party's activities were indefinitely suspended—effectively ending its rule. By the fall, Gorbachev could no longer influence events outside of Moscow, and he was being challenged even there by Yeltsin, who had been elected President of Russia in July 1991.
The remaining 12 republics continued discussing new, increasingly looser, models of the Union. However, by December, all except Russia and Kazakhstan had formally declared independence. During this time, Yeltsin took over what remained of the Soviet government, including the Kremlin. The final blow was struck on 1 December, when Ukraine, the second most powerful republic, voted overwhelmingly for independence. Ukraine's secession ended any realistic chance of the Soviet Union staying together even on a limited scale.
In 23rd December 1991 the remaining 12 republics signed the Alma-Ata Protocol  to Dissolve Soviet Union and form a Commonwealth Independence states according to Belavezha  Accords (Discussed in previuos Post) .
On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev resigned as the President of the USSR, declaring the office extinct. He turned the powers that had been vested in the presidency over to Yeltsin. That night, the Soviet flag was lowered for the last time, and the Russian tricolor was raised in its place. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union on 26 December 1991, Russia was internationally recognized as its legal successor on the international stage. To that end, Russia voluntarily accepted all Soviet foreign debt and claimed overseas Soviet properties as its own. Under the 1992 Lisbon Protocol, Russia also agreed to receive all nuclear weapons remaining in the territory of other former Soviet republics. Since then, the Russian Federation has assumed the Soviet Union's rights and obligations.
An Unbelievable thing happened the world never thought that the breakup of Soviet Union is Possible
